Using Behavioral Ecology to Inform Conservation and Management



While our research focuses on the evolution and ecology of reproductive patterns, we also use this knowledge to inform population management and conservation. This work has considered how krill fisheries are predicted to affect their penguin and marine mammal predators in the Antarctic, how sex-changing fishes (such as California sheephead) are affected by size-dependent fisheries that remove mainly males, and how ocean acidification affects male reproductive behavior and success in the ocellated wrasse. We use an integrated combination of theoretical and experimental approaches to understand how environmental change will affect patterns of reproduction and survival. Our current work focuses on how plasticity affects marine populations that are commercially fished, how changes in water temperature and ocean acidification affect sexual selection and reproduction, and how conflict between the sexes affects ecosystems.


Want to know more? See the papers below (or a complete list HERE)

Milazzo M, Cattano C, Alonzo SH, Gristina M,  Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Sinopoli M, Spatafora D, Stiver KA+, Hall-Spencer JM. 2016. Ocean acidification affects fish spawning but not paternity at CO2 seeps. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283: 20161021 (

Alonzo SH, Ish T*, Key M, MacCall AD, Mangel M. 2008. The importance of incorporating protogynous sex change into stock assessments. Bulletin of Marine Science 83(1):163-179 (

Alonzo SH, Mangel M. 2004. The effects of size-selective fisheries on the stock dynamics of and sperm limitation in sex changing fish. Fishery Bulletin 102(1): 1-13 (

Alonzo SH, Switzer PV, Mangel M. 2003. An ecosystem-based approach to management: Using individual behaviour to predict the indirect effects of Antarctic krill fisheries on penguin foraging. Journal of Applied Ecology 40(4): 692-702  (

Alonzo SH, Mangel M. 2001. Survival strategies of krill: Avoiding predators in space and time. Marine Ecology Progress Series 209: 203-217 (