Alonzo SH. 2023. Learning from Our Study Organisms about Sexual Selection: Lessons from the Ocellated Wrasse. American Naturalist 201:3
Cummings ME, Marsh-Rollo SE, Alonzo SH. 2022. Cognitive-behavioral divergence is greater across alternative male reproductive phenotypes than between the sexes in a wild wrasse. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 929595
Fark SN, Gerber S, Alonzo SH, Kindsvater HK, Meier JI, Seehausen O. 2022. Multispecies colour polymorphisms associated with contrasting microhabitats in two Mediterranean wrasse radiations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 35: 633-647
Azad T, Alonzo SH, Bonsall MB, Klug H. 2022. Life history, mating dynamics and the origin of parental care. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 35: 379-390
Shima JS, Osenberg CW, Alonzo SH, Noonburg EG, Swearer SE. 2022. How moonlight shapes environments, life histories, and ecological interactions on coral reefs. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences 6: 45-56
Alonzo SH, Stiver KA, Kindsvater HK, Marsh-Rollo SE, Nugent B, Kazancioglu E. 2021. Ejaculate allocation and sperm characteristics differ among alternative male types in a species of fish with cooperation and competition among unrelated males. Cells 10: 2612
Cronin MR, Alonzo SH, Adamczak SK, Baker DN, Beltran RS, Borker AL, Favilla AB, Gatins R, Goetz LC, Hack N, Harenčár JG, Howard EA, Kustra MC*, Maguiña R, Martinez-Estevez L, Mehta RS, Parker IM, Reid K, Roberts MB, Shirazi SB, Tatom-Naecker TM, Voss KM, Willis-Norton E, Vadkan B, Valenzuela-Toro AM, Zavaleta ES. 2021. Anti-racist interventions to transform ecology, evolution and conservation biology departments. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5: 1213-1223
Alonzo SH, Servedio MR. 2021. Embracing complexity might help us find clarity: a comment on Shuker and Kvarnemo. Behavioral Ecology 32: 800
Beyer SG*, Alonzo SH, Sogard SM. 2021. Zero, one or more broods: reproductive plasticity in response to temperature, food, and body size in the live-bearing rosy rockfish Sebastes rosaceus. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 669: 151-173
Shima JS, Osenberg CW, Noonburg EG, Alonzo SH, Swearer SE. 2021. Lunar rhythms in growth of larval fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 288: 20202609
Kustra MC*, Alonzo SH. 2020. Sperm and alternative reproductive tactics: a review of existing theory and empirical data. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 375: 20200075
Kindsvater HK, Halvorsen KT, Sørdalen TK, Alonzo SH. 2020. The consequences of size‐selective fishing mortality for larval production and sustainable yield in species with obligate male care. Fish and Fisheries. 21: 1135-1149
Shima JS, Osenberg CW, Alonzo SH, Noonburg EG, Mitterwallner P, Swearer SE. 2020. Reproductive phenology across the lunar cycle: parental decisions, offspring responses, and consequences for reef fish. Ecology. 101: e03086
Sabal MC, Merz JE, Alonzo SH, Palkovacs EP. 2020. An escape theory model for directionally moving prey and an experimental test in juvenile Chinook salmon. Journal of Animal Ecology. 89: 1824-1836
Barbasch TA, Alonzo SH, Buston PM. 2020. Power and punishment influence negotiations over parental care. Behavioral Ecology. 31: 911-921
Hellmann JK, Stiver KA, Marsh-Rollo SE, Alonzo SH. 2020. Defense against outside competition is linked to cooperation in male–male partnerships. Behavioral Ecology. 31: 432-439
Stiver KA, Marsh-Rollo SE, Alonzo SH. 2019. Neuropeptide manipulation has behavioural and cascading fitness consequences in wild-living fish. Animal Behaviour. 157: 69-76
Alonzo SH, Servedio MR. 2019. Grey zones of sexual selection: why is finding a modern definition so hard? Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 286: 20191325
Nugent BM, Stiver KA, Hofmann HA, Alonzo SH. 2019. Experimentally induced variation in neuroendocrine processes affects male reproductive behaviour, sperm characteristics and social interactions. Molecular Ecology. 28: 3464-3481
Snow SS, Alonzo SH, Servedio MR, Prum RO. 2019. Female resistance to sexual coercion can evolve to preserve the indirect benefits of mate choice. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 32: 545-558
Shima JS, Noonburg EG, Swearer SE, Alonzo SH, Osenberg CW. 2018. Born at the right time? A conceptual framework linking reproduction, development, and settlement in reef fish. Ecology. 99: 116-126
Stiver KA, Kindsvater HK, Tamburello N, Heckman KL, Klein J, Alonzo SH. 2018. Intentional multiple mating by females in a species where sneak fertilization circumvents female choice for parental males. Journal of Fish Biology. 93: 324-333
Stiver KA, Wolff SH, Alonzo SH. 2012. Adoption and cuckoldry lead to alloparental care in the tessellated darter (Etheostoma olmstedi), a non-group-living species with no evidence of nest site limitation. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 855-864
Kindsvater HK, Wolff SH, Alonzo SH. 2012.Survival costs of reproduction predict age-dependent variation in maternal investment. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 2230-2240
Stiver K, Alonzo SH. 2011. Alloparental care increases mating success. Behavioral Ecology 22: 206-211.
Alonzo SH, Calsbeek R. 2010. The unstable dynamics of multiple alternative reproductive tactics. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 2614-2624.
Kelly NB, Alonzo SH. 2010. Does a trade-off between current reproductive success and survival affect the honesty of male signaling in species with male parental care? Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 2461-2473.
Kazancioglu E, Alonzo SH. 2010. Classic predictions about sex change do not hold under all types of size advantage. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 2432-2441.
Kazancioglu E. Alonzo SH. 2010. A comparative analysis of sex change in Labridae supports the size advantage hypothesis. Evolution. 64: 2254–2264.
Kindsvater HK, Alonzo SH, Mangel MS, Bonsall MB. 2010. Age- and state-dependent allocation effects on offspring size and number. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 12: 327–346.
Alonzo SH. 2010. Is there a unifying theory of sex allocation? Evolution 64: 2793–2795. (Invited book review)
Alonzo SH, Sheldon BC. 2010. Population density, sex allocation and social behaviour. In: Social Behaviour: Genes Ecology and Evolution. Editors: T Szekely, J Komdeur, A Moore. Cambridge University Press. (Book Chapter)
Stiver K, Alonzo SH. 2010. Large males have a mating advantage in a species of darter with smaller, allopaternal males (Etheostoma olmstedi). Current Zoology 56: 1−5.
Alonzo SH. 2010. Social and coevolutionary feedbacks between mating and parental investment. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 25: 99-108.
Alonzo SH, Pizarri T. 2010. Male fecundity stimulation: conflict and cooperation within and between the sexes. American Naturalist. 175: 174-185.
Alonzo SH, Heckman K. 2010. The unexpected but understandable dynamics of mating, paternity and paternal care in the ocellated wrasse. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 277: 115-122.
Stiver K. Alonzo S.H. 2009. Parental and mating effort: Is there necessarily a trade-off? Ethology 115: 1101-1126.
Heckman KL, Near TJ, Alonzo SH. 2009. Phylogenetic relationships of Boleosoma (Percidae: Etheostoma). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53: 249-257.
Kelly NB, Alonzo SH. 2009. Will male advertisement be a reliable indicator of parental care, if offspring survival depends on male care? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B.
Kazancioglu E, Alonzo SH. 2009. Costs of changing sex do not explain why sequential hermaphroditism is rare. American Naturalist. 173:327-336.
Alonzo SH. 2009. Science, Politics and Evolution. Quarterly Review of Biology. 84:81
(Invited Book Review)
Alonzo SH, Kindsvater HK. 2008. Life-History Patterns. In Sven Erik Jørgensen and Brian D. Fath (Editor-in-Chief), General Ecology. Vol. 3 of Encyclopedia of Ecology, 5 vols. pp. 2175-2180, Oxford: Elsevier. (Book Chapter)
Alonzo SH. 2008. Male and female alternative reproductive behaviors and conflict within and between the sexes. In: Alternative Reproductive Tactics. Ed. R. F. Oliveira, M Taborsky, J Brockmann. Cambridge University Press. pp 435-450 (Book Chapter)
Alonzo SH. 2008. An inordinate fondness for behavioural ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 23: 600-601 (Invited Book Review)
Alonzo SH, Ish T, Key M, MacCall A, Mangel. 2008. The importance of incorporating protogynous sex change into stock assessments. Bulletin of Marine Science. 83:163-179.
Farmer M, Alonzo SH. 2008. Competition for territories does not explain alloparental care in the tessellated darter. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 83:391-395.
Brennan BJ, Flaxman SM, Alonzo SH. 2008. Female alternative reproductive behaviors: The effect of group size on mate assessment and copying. Journal of Theoretical Biology 253: 561-569.
Alonzo SH. 2008. Female mate choice copying affects sexual selection in wild populations of the ocellated wrasse. Animal Behaviour 75: 1715-1723.
Alonzo SH, Sinervo B. 2007. The effect of sexually antagonistic selection on adaptive sex ratio allocation. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9: 1097-1117.
Alonzo SH. 2007. Conflict between the sexes and cooperation within a sex can alter classic predictions of mating systems theory. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9:145-156.
Sinervo B, Chaine A, Clobert J, Calsbeek R, Hazard L, Lancaster L, McAdam AG, Alonzo S, Corrigan G, Hochberg ME. 2006. Self-recognition, colour signals, and genetic cycles of greenbeard mutualism and true altruism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103:7372-7377.
Alonzo SH, Mangel M. 2005. Sex change rules, stock dynamics, and the performance of spawning per recruit measures in protogynous stocks. Fishery Bulletin 203: 229-245.
Alonzo SH, Key M, Ish T, MacCall A. 2004. Status of the California Sheephead (Semicossyphus pulcher) stock. California Department of Fish and Game Report.
Alonzo SH. 2004. Uncertainty in territory quality affects the benefits of usurpation. Behavioral Ecology 15: 278-285.
Alonzo SH, Mangel M. 2004. The effects of size-selective fisheries on the stock dynamics of and sperm limitation in sex changing fish: California sheephead (Semicossyphus pulcher) as an illustrative example. Fishery Bulletin 102: 1-13.
Alonzo SH, Switzer P, Mangel M. 2003. An ecosystem-based approach to management: Using individual behaviour to predict the indirect effects of Antarctic krill fisheries on penguin foraging success. Journal of Applied Ecology 40: 692-702.
Alonzo SH, Switzer P, Mangel M. 2003. Ecological games in space and time: the distribution and abundance of Antarctic krill and penguins. Ecology 86: 1598-1607.
Alonzo SH, Mangel M. 2002. Effects of social behavior on survival and growth of krill: important, but how relevant? Marine Ecology Progress Series 244: 309-310.
Alonzo SH. 2002. State-dependent habitat selection games between predators and prey: the importance of behavioral interactions and expected lifetime reproductive success. Evolutionary Ecology Research 4: 759-778.
Calsbeek R, Alonzo SH, Zamudio K, Sinervo B. 2002. Sexual selection and alternative mating behaviours generate demographic stochasticity in small populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 269: 157-164.
Alonzo SH, Sinervo B. 2001. Mate choice games, context-dependent good genes, and genetic cycles in the side-blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 49: 176-186.
Alonzo SH, Mangel M. 2001. Survival strategies of krill: Avoiding predators in space, time and size. Marine Ecology Progress Series 209: 203-217
Alonzo SH, Taborsky M, Wirtz P. 2000. Male alternative reproductive behaviors in a Mediterranean wrasse, Symphodus ocellatus: Evidence from otoliths for separate life-history pathways. Evolutionary Ecology Research 2: 997-1007.
Alonzo SH, Warner RR. 2000c. Allocation to mate guarding or increased sperm competition in a Mediterranean wrasse. American Naturalist 156: 266-275.
Alonzo SH, Warner RR. 2000b. Dynamic games and field experiments examining intra- and inter-sexual conflict: Explaining counter-intuitive mating behavior in a Mediterranean wrasse, Symphodus ocellatus. Behavioral Ecology 11: 56-70.
Alonzo SH, Warner RR. 2000a. Female choice, conflict between the sexes and the evolution of male alternative reproductive behaviors. Evolutionary Ecology Research 2: 149-170.
Alonzo SH, Warner RR. 1999. A tradeoff generated by sexual conflict: Mediterranean wrasse males refuse present mates to increase future success. Behavioral Ecology 10: 105-111.
Henson SA (previous name), Warner RR. 1997. Male and female alternative reproductive behaviors in fishes: A new approach using intersexual dynamics. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. 28: 571-92.